Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sample Entry

In the heading of your entry, put a label for the type of book read, a dash, and then the name of the book, followed by author name and year published.

For example:

YA - Little Brother by Cory Doctorow, 2007

In the body of your entry, put a one to two paragraph summary of the book.  Conclude your entry with a connection to your curriculum or how you might interest your students in reading this book.

Also include a picture of the book cover in your post.  

To do that, locate your book at a place like BN.com or Amazon.com.  Right click on the picture and choose "copy image URL".  Return to your blog post, click on the image icon in the Blogger tool bar and in the new window that appears, select "from a URL." Paste the URL from the picture in the box and click "add selected." The book cover will appear in your blog post, drag to the left hand side of the writing area and then start to write your blog entry.

Other entry classifiers to use are:

NF - for nonfiction
PROF - for professional reading

Next include your comments about what close reading craft techniques you would use this book.  Draw attention to that part of your entry by using this sub-header CRAFT TECHNIQUE.

Finally, connect your book to a Minnesota Academic Standard.  Draw attention to that part of the entry by using the sub-header CONNECTION TO MN ACADEMIC STANDARDS.  Include content area, strand, sub-strand, standard and benchmark.

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